Explanation on the Hardness of Longquan Tianyuan Sword Shop
Explanation on the Hardness of Longquan Tianyuan Sword Shop
For the convenience of customers to have a correct understanding of my sword shop product description,Please provide the following hardness explanation:
1.The hardness standard used by my sword shop is the internationally recognized hardness unit:rockwell C(HRC)
2.My sword shop stipulates a hardness of50-63 HRC
(notes:We collectively refer to45The hardness of the steel is53-56HRC,It's press45The hardness of the quenched steel shall be tested as the standard,be not45The hardness of the steel itself26-30HRC,In the finished product,According to international standards, the estimated hardness is calculated36HRCabout)
3.I recommend a hardness in my sword shop57-60HRC,Within this hardness range,My sword shop can ensure that customers have correct gestures and directions,And chop and stabilize the material
4.My Sword Shop Instructions55-57HRCThe product,As a foundation45Basic hardness of No. steel(Due to marketing needs,There is exaggeration about its hardness,In Longquan, it has been defaulted as a non-standard standard),greater than57HRCThe product,Ensure to bear in6The hardness of the No. 1 iron wire(Before grinding, we use8The iron wire has been tested),The optimal hardness of the product is61HRC,A hardness higher than this will cause the product to become brittle,Losing resilience。
5.Due to the fact that the hardness of my sword bed is estimated based on experience,Both quenching temperature and annealing process affect hardness,There is a slight error。
6.My sword shop does not exaggerate its craftsmanship,Take responsibility for oneself,Responsible for the product,Attitude of being responsible to customers,Make every sword good,To live up to every bit of customer trust。
The above interpretation rights,Belonging to Tianyuan Sword Shop in Longquan City