Diagram of Forging Techniques

Diagram of Forging Techniques


Low carbonSteel - alsoCalled soft steelCarbon contentFrom0.10%to0.30%Low carbonSteelEasy to accept allPlantingProcessing asForgingmakeWelding and cuttingCommonly used forManufacturingmakeChainRivetBoltAxisetc.。


Medium carbonSteel - Carbon contentFrom0.30% to0.60%, Used forManufacturingHeavy productionPressure forgingpieceaxle Steel railetc.。


High carbonSteel - oftenCalledtoolSteel , Carbon contentFrom0.60%to1.70%, Can be quenched and tempered。HammerCrowbars, etc. are made up of carbon content0.75%ofSteelmakeCutting tools such asdrill SilkattackHingeKnives are made up of carbon content0.90% to1.00% ofSteelmake。


alloySteel - SteelAdd other gold to itBelonging toasChromiumNickelTungstenVanadiumetc.Make it possess several new characteristics。 Due to various reasonsPlantingThe alloy elementsMixingenteralloySteelCan have defenseRustanticorrosiveErosionDurableHotwear-resistingDifferent characteristics such as shock resistance and fatigue resistance。


high speedSteel - Containing variousPlantingIngredients and portionsasTungstenChromiumVanadiumCobaltandMolybdenumetc.。 high speedSteelFinished cutting toolsHigh speed can be used to cut hard materialsAndCan bearStrong responsibilityCutting of force。 high speedSteelCutting tools can still maintain the cutting edge at high speedsFengbenefitotherSteelmaterialThenprobablyBecome dull

Chain steel overCheng and SexQualitythanCompared to

Hot placereason(Heat Treatment) - It's using additionHotAnd coldButTo modifyChangegoldBelonging toPhysical propertiesQualityThe method。 Hot placeAbility to improveSteelofShow offtinyStructuresendDa DaTo meet the required physical requirements。Tough and resilientnaturehardness And wear resistance It's throughOverheated areaLi ErObtainedThe characteristics obtainedSeveral types。 wantObtainedhave toThisSome characteristicsNeed to useHot placeThe hardening in theory<alsoCalledquench>, temperingAnnealing and surface hardening operations。

Hardened(Hardening, alsoCalledquench) - yesWillgoldBelonging toallUniformDijiaHottoAppropriate temperaturedegreeThen quickly immerse in water or oil for rapid coolingOr in an empty spaceQiMedium or coldFrozen areaMid coldButMake goldBelonging to obtainObtain the required hardness。

tempering - SteelAfter quenching and hardeningIt will changebrittlewithWhenCaused by quenching and rapid coolingShouldpowerCan cause steel components to break upon light impact。 To eliminate brittlenessCan be treated with tempering method。 Tempering is the process of reheating steel components to an appropriate temperature or colorThen give it a rapid cooling。Although tempering slightly reduces the hardness of steelBut it can increase the toughness of steel and reduce its brittleness。

annealing - Annealing is a method of eliminating internal stress in steel components and toughening them。 Annealing is the process of heating steel components above their critical temperatureThen put in dry ashlimeAsbestos or enclosed in the furnaceLet it slowly cool down。

hardness(Hardness) - It is a material's ability to resist foreign objects piercing through it。The most common method for testing the hardness of steel is to file it on the edge of the workpiece with a fileJudging the hardness by the depth of scratches on its surface。 This method is called filing test method This method is not very scientific。 Using a hardness tester for extremely accurate testingIt is a commonly used method for modern hardness testing。 The most commonly used testing method is the Rockwell hardness test The Rockwell hardness tester uses the depth of diamond penetration into metal to determine its hardnessThe greater the depth of penetrationThe smaller the hardness。 The depth at which diamonds penetrate into metalCan indicate the correct number from the pointerThis number is called the Rockwell hardness number。

forging  - It's using a hammer to shape metal into a certain shape<formingThe methodWhen the steel component is heated to the forging temperatureCan engage in forgingBend and bendPull itForming and other operations。 Most steels are easily forged when heated to a bright cherry red color。

brittleness - Indicating the property of metals being prone to breakageThe brittleness of cast iron is highEven if it falls to the ground, it will rupture。 Brittleness is closely related to hardnessMaterials with high hardness usually have high brittleness。

ductility - (Also known as softnessIt is the property of metals that undergo permanent deformation under external forces without shatteringDuctile metals can be drawn into thin wires。

Elasticity - Metal is deformed by external forcesA property that returns to its original shape after the external force is eliminated。Spring steel is a highly elastic material。

hardness - Quenching is a commonly used method to increase the hardness of steel, which is a way for metals to resist foreign objects piercing or cutting。

Exhibition oriented - Also known as malleabilityIt is another representation of metal ductility or flexibility。Spreadtrum is a property of metal that does not break when deformed by hammering or rolling。

Resilience It is the ability of metal to withstand vibration or impact。Resilience and brittleness are exactly the opposite。 

Definition of hardness of steel:

There is an important indicator in the knife making industry-hardness,There are three most commonly used indicators:Brinell hardness,Rockwell hardness and Vickers hardness。

The meaning of Brinell hardness:Use hardened steel balls of a certain diameter,Under a certain load(p)Under the influence,Press into the surface of the specimen,Stay for a period of time,Then remove the load,Measure the area of the indentation,The smaller the indentation, the greater the resistance to plastic deformation(I.e. hardness)The larger,The larger the hardness, the smaller the hardness,use“HB”To express。

The meaning of Rockwell hardness:Under the prescribed external load,Press the steel ball or diamond indenter vertically onto the surface of the specimen,Generate indentation,Test indentation depth,Using the Rockwell hardness calculation formulaHR=K-H)/CThe Rockwell hardness can be calculated。Simply put, the shallower the indentation,HRThe larger the value,The higher the hardness of the material。use"HRC"To express。such asHRC60,It represents that the test load is150kglower,Use the vertex angle as120When using a diamond cone indenter,The indentation depth of the specimen is0.08mm

The meaning of Brinell hardness:It is using the vertex angle as136The diamond square pyramid of the degree is used as the indenter,Press into the surface of the specimen under a certain load,Leave a square indentation,According to the length of the diagonal,The hardness value can be determined,use“HV”To express。

Generally, Rockwell hardness is used to measure the hardness of the blade,that isHRCvalue,Usually, the blade hardness of a good knife should be within Rockwell hardness50sabove,60sfollowing,In short,The higher the hardness,The higher the wear resistance,But the greater the brittleness。


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